A Message of Thanks

It's been quite a while since I've written a post. Hello! Hello! How sweet it is to have support from those who are gifted and willing to write additional content for carter joey. We hope you’ve enjoyed the extra monthly ideas to be active with the children in your life. I’ve been inspired myself by their writing. Who even remembered the structure of a flower before reading Lucy’s blog back in May?
The Claus House has found a new groove. Carter is thriving in Kindergarten; Deacon seems to be shedding his innocent toddler days as he stepped into year 4 and preschool and Conner is constantly stomping around the house and roaring like a little dinosaur. It’s now time for Damon and I to “define” what type of parents we want to be sans the infant stage. It’s wonderful and beautiful and we’re so very excited to be in this short season of life.

I typically write a Thankful post in November. And I am overwhelmed. Listen to this:
To show a fair review, we did get a few “no thank you’s” from some major retailers who passed on carrying our assortment this calendar year. Even some of the local Pittsburgh attractions that you’d think would be a slam dunk said “nope.” If you know me and the rebel girl deep inside – the “no’s” are only fuel. They don’t bother me. It’s only more motivation to get it right this year, to expand, grow and prove that we do belong in those retailers.
And to save the best for last, we were blessed with the decision to humbly accept a sizable seed investment from a friend. A full friends and family round was not something we were considering. However, our investor lovingly pursued meeting with us. And after a prayerful 6 months we were given an understanding of how we could best use that investment to build a firm foundation this company can grow upon.

Oh, how the Lord has blessed carter joey and our family this year. From continually opening doors for us in a myriad of ways to protecting us by closing others. I pray we always give space for both joy and pain in these growing years. I pray that we don’t forget to turn around and look at the distance and the accomplishments.
We blew last year out of the water. But, Lord help us as we steward the gifts you’ve given because next year is without a doubt the definition of being active, not busy.